Progress Report on Recommendations: A Systemic Review of Compensation Options for Ill and Injured Reservists Report

cogs icon 2 Recommendations Made

check icon 2 Recommendations Accepted

remove active icon 2 Recommendations Not Implemented

clock o icon Up-to-date as of 2018-02-01

Status of recommendations

Recommendation 1

It is recommended that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces improve the governance and administration of the Reserve Force Compensation process by:

1.1 Creating a functional authority who is accountable for the Reserve Force Compensation process, and who can reinforce the applicable policies and directives in place.

1.2 Amending Canadian Forces Military Personnel Instruction 20/04 to provide clarity and consistency in the cessation of service due to service-related injuries and illnesses.

1.3 Streamlining the Reserve Force Compensation process by:      

1.3.1 Standardizing and simplifying forms; and      

1.3.2 Ensuring that units forward claims directly to the Director Casualty Support Management for adjudication, within 30 days of the time the application was commenced.

1.4 Creating a Defence Administrative Order and Directive to codify the Reserve Force Compensation process, including service standards or a performance measurement strategy to validate the effectiveness of the entire process.

Status: Accepted check icon Not Implemented remove active icon

* Recommendation 1

1.1. Although the Department maintains that Director Casualty Support Management (DCSM) serves as functional authority, their role is limited to the administration and adjudication of the Reserve Force Compensation. DCSM does not have the required enforcement capabilities for processes, practices, or timelines.

1.2. Canadian Forces Military Personnel Instruction 20/04 is under review and the target date for completion is summer 2018. 

1.3. DND/CAF has not standardized nor simplified the forms used in the Reserve Force Compensation process.

DCSM has committed to collaborating with the environments (i.e army, navy, air force) to explore the feasibility of removing brigade/division review/concurrence of claims, to expedite and streamline the Reserve Force Compensation process. There is currently no mechanism in place to ensure the 30 day timeframe is met.

1.4. DCSM acknowledged the need for a Defence Administrative Order Directive, however, resources have not yet been dedicated.

Overall conclusion: Based on our analysis of information provided, recommendation 1 is not implemented.

Recommendation 2

It is recommended that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces take concrete steps to improve the knowledge and awareness of the compensation options available to ill and injured Reservists by:

2.1 Making any relevant documents, policies, procedures and forms easily accessible on the internet and on the Defence Information Network.

2.2 Committing the resources required for the development and implementation of a communications plan. This would include activities, products, timelines and metrics to reach and inform Reservists.

2.3 Formalizing training on Reserve Force Compensation and the Government Employees Compensation Act, and defining the roles and responsibilities for all Reservists and their leadership within these processes.

Status: Accepted check icon Not implemented remove active icon

* Recommendation 2

2.1. Basic information on Reserve Force Compensation is available on the internet and the Casualty Support internet page now includes a section on the Reserve Force Compensation process. Frequently Asked Questions for Reserve Force Compensation were completed, however, they have yet to be published.

2.2. No concrete steps have been taken towards the development and implementation of a communications plan.

2.3. No action has been taken with respect to formalizing training on Reserve Force Compensation and Government Employees Compensation Act.

Overall conclusion: Based on our analysis of information provided, recommendation 2 is not implemented.

Next Steps

Systemic Investigations will follow-up on all recommendations in 6 months.



DND/CAF have indicated that they accept the recommendations.

Not Accepted

DND/CAF have not indicated that they accept the recommendations, or have indicated that they do not accept the recommendations.

Met / Implemented

Work completed to date fully or largely meets the intent of the recommendation, including circumstances where the recommendation has been implemented to the extent demonstrably possible within existing DND/CAF authorities.

Partially Implemented

Work is underway to address the substance of the recommendation, and it is reasonably probable that additional progress will be made;

Work began to address the substance of the recommendation, but one or more aspects of the recommendation have since become objectively un-implementable or overtaken by events.

Not Met / Not Implemented

Work to address the substance of the recommendation has not begun;

Work completed to date does not largely meet the intent of the recommendation, work started on implementation of the recommendation.

Unable to Assess

Insufficient information is available to make an assessment, including in circumstances where DND/CAF has not yet provided adequate responses.

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