Progress Report on Recommendations

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Information: Ombudsman's Message

The “Progress Report on Recommendations” explains what the Department has done in response to our reports. It will be updated regularly to keep the Defence community and Canadians informed on these important matters... Read more

A Systemic Review of Compensation Options for Ill and Injured Reservists

When the report was published: February 2016; Recommendations made: 2; Recommendations accepted: 2; Recommendations not implemented: 2

When the report was published: February 2016; Recommendations made: 2; Recommendations accepted: 2; Recommendations not implemented: 2

RecommendationsAccepted / Not AcceptedStatus of Recommendation

1. It is recommended that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces improve the governance and administration of the Reserve Force Compensation process by:

  • Creating a functional authority who is accountable for the Reserve Force Compensation process, and who can reinforce the applicable policies and directives in place;
  • Amending Canadian Forces Military Personnel Instruction 20/04 to provide clarity and consistency in the cessation of service due to service-related injuries and illnesses;
  • Streamlining the Reserve Force Compensation process by: (1) Standardizing and simplifying forms, and (2) Ensuring that units forward claims directly to the Director Casualty Support Management  for adjudication, within 30 days of the time the application was commenced; and
  • Creating a Defence Administrative Order and Directive to codify the Reserve Force Compensation process, including service standards or a performance measurement strategy to validate the effectiveness of the entire process.
Accepted ✗Not Implemented

2. It is recommended that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces take concrete steps to improve the knowledge and awareness of the compensation options available to ill and injured Reservists by:

  • Making any relevant documents, policies, procedures and forms easily accessible on the internet and on the Defence Information Network;
  • Committing the resources required for the development and implementation of a communications plan. This would include activities, products, timelines and metrics to reach and inform Reservists about available compensation options;
  • Formalizing training on Reserve Force Compensation and the Government Employees Compensation Act, and defining the roles and responsibilities for all Reservists and their leadership within these processes.
Accepted ✗Not Implemented

On the Homefront: Assessing the Well-being of Canada's Military Families in the New Millennium

When the report was published: July 2013; Recommendations made: 11; Recommendations accepted: 11; Recommendations implemented: 5; Recommendations partially implemented: 3; Recommendations not implemented: 3

When the report was published: November 2013; Recommendations made: 18; Recommendations accepted: 18; Recommendations implemented: 6; Recommendations partially implemented: 10; Recommendations not implemented: 2

RecommendationsAccepted / Not AcceptedStatus of Recommendation
1. Establish a modern definition of military family. Accepted • Partially Implemented
2. Maintain current level of support to military families. Accepted Implemented
3. Fully implement the CF Family Covenant throughout the DND/CF. Accepted Implemented
4. Communicate more effectively with military families. Accepted Implemented
5. Modernize the Military Family Services Program Accepted • Partially Implemented
6. Reinforce the central frontline role of Military Family Resource Centres Accepted • Partially Implemented
7. Formalize the approach to provincial and territorial engagement.  Accepted ✗Not Implemented 
8. Continue to exploit partnership opportunities.  Accepted  Implemented
9. Institute grandfathering of military family support policy changes. Accepted  ✗Not Implemented
10. Modernize recruiting practices vis-à-vis families.  Accepted Implemented 
11. Promote more extensive and independent research.   Accepted Implemented 
12. Modernize CF relocation policies and procedures.   Accepted • Partially Implemented
13. Modernize programs and services to reduce the challenges caused by operational deployments.   Accepted • Partially Implemented
14. Develop a national employment strategy to assist spouses/partners.   Accepted • Partially Implemented
15. Assist military families to obtain better access to healthcare.  Accepted • Partially Implemented
16. Provide suitable, accessible and affordable military housing, and facilitate home ownership.  Accepted • Partially Implemented
17. Further support families in providing a healthy environment in which to raise their children.  Accepted • Partially Implemented
18. Empower military families in achieving short- and long-term financial well-being  Accepted • Partially Implemented

A Report Outlining the Delays in the Process of Adjudications and Initial Authority Grievances by the Director General Compensation & Benefits

When the report was published: July 2013; Recommendations made: 11; Recommendations accepted: 11; Recommendations implemented: 5; Recommendations partially implemented: 3; Recommendations not implemented: 3

When the report was published: July 2013; Recommendations made: 11; Recommendations accepted: 11; Recommendations implemented: 7; Recommendations not implemented: 4

RecommendationsAccepted / Not AcceptedStatus of Recommendation
1. DCBA 2 must provide timely adjudication of claims. The adjudication process should not exceed 90 days. To that effect, the surge request that was approved in November 2012 must be staffed immediately to eliminate the caseload. Accepted Implemented
2. DCBA 2 should maintain staff stability until the caseload has been eliminated. Accepted Implemented
3. DCBA 2 should consider increasing the authority to Base Commanders to improve the efficiency of the adjudication process. Accepted ✗Not Implemented
4. DCBA 2 should resume an annual training/situational awareness session for Relocation Coordinators regarding policy coverage and file generation in order to increase frontline staff’s understanding of the adjudication process and to reduce the delays incurred from the back-and-forth involved when files are incomplete. Accepted Implemented
5. DCBA 2 should develop a comprehensive communications strategy to ensure that CF members have a clear understanding of all relevant regulations, directives and policy documents related to relocation and the associated complaint process. Accepted Implemented
6. DCBA 2 must pursue vigorously the approval of a revised CF IRP with TBS in order to ensure that it is in place before the 2014 active posting season. Accepted ✗Not Implemented
7. DCBA 2 should review its information management practices and tools in order to establish an effective, stable and secure case management system.  Accepted ✗Not Implemented 
8. DCBA 2 must review its existing processes in order to maximise effectiveness. This includes the creation of service standards, performance measures and standard operating procedures.  Accepted  ✗Not Implemented 
9. CBGS must deploy all efforts to meet its obligations as an IA and render decisions in a timely fashion, as stipulated in CF regulations. The surge request that was approved in November 2012 must be staffed immediately to assist with the elimination of the backlog. Accepted  Implemented 
10. CBGS should maintain staff stability until the backlog has been eliminated.  Accepted Implemented 
11. CBGS must review its existing processes in order to maximise its effectiveness. This includes the creation of service standards, performance measures and standard operating procedures.   Accepted Implemented 



DND/CAF have indicated that they accept the recommendations.

Not Accepted

DND/CAF have not indicated that they accept the recommendations, or have indicated that they do not accept the recommendations.

Met / Implemented

Work completed to date fully or largely meets the intent of the recommendation, including circumstances where the recommendation has been implemented to the extent demonstrably possible within existing DND/CAF authorities.

Partially Implemented

a) Work is underway to address the substance of the recommendation, and it is reasonably probable that additional progress will be made;

b) Work began to address the substance of the recommendation, but one or more aspects of the recommendation have since become objectively un-implementable or overtaken by events.

Not Met / Not Implemented

a) Work to address the substance of the recommendation has not begun;

b) Work completed to date does not largely meet the intent of the recommendation, work started on implementation of the recommendation.

Unable to Assess

Insufficient information is available to make an assessment, including in circumstances where DND/CAF has not yet provided adequate responses.

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